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Transport of dangerous goods in Sweden

transportation, labelling, and safety consultancy

Transport of dangerous goods in Sweden

Dangerous goods is a comprehensive term for objects and substances that have dangerous properties, which, if improperly handled, might cause damage to health, environment or property. Therefore, it is important to comply with the prescribed conditions when transporting dangerous goods. Some types of such goods may only be transported by rail or road. The driver of dangerous goods must undergo special knowledge training.

Classification of Dangerous Goods

Dangerous goods are divided into nine different classes, according to which a product can be classified as a combination of several classes. The classification is made in accordance with UN recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, which include, among other things, dangerous goods list and regulations for limited quantities as well as provisions on transport measures.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Dangerous goods can be carried by road, rail, sea and air. For each mode of transport, certain conditions, regulated in such regulations as ADR-S and / or RID-S, must be fulfilled. Anyone who carries dangerous goods or leaves it to someone else for transport is responsible for taking the necessary protective measures and other precautions to prevent and limit damage to life, health, environment or property. In order to fulfil their statutory responsibilities, companies can hire a safety advisor – a person who has completed a safety advisor exam with approved results.

Labelling of Dangerous Goods

During transport, dangerous goods must be marked with signs and warning labels in order to primarily provide information to the emergency services in case of an accident but also inform fellow road users. Packages must be marked and labelled, and vehicles, containers and railway wagons should be equipped with signs and, in some cases, large labels. There are further requirements that concern consignor, carrier and consignee.

Laws and Regulations

The Swedish Transport Agency is responsible for the corresponding regulations regarding maritime and air transport, while the Swedish Agency for Civil Protection and Emergency Preparedness (MSB) is responsible for the regulations on the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail. The exception is MSB’s regulations on safety advisors that apply to all types of transport. There is a law and regulation that applies to all modes of transport, i.e. road, rail, sea, and air transport. The law aims to prevent damage to life, health, environment and property that dangerous goods might cause, while the regulation specifies the responsible authorities and the tasks they are to perform.

How could we help?
Safety advisor, documentation, training of personal

We can help you with hazard analysis and transport classification of your dangerous goods including labelling

Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor

According to the EU directive and national legislation of January 1, 2000, all companies transporting and handling dangerous goods must have a Safety Advisor connected to the business. The task of the safety advisor is to prevent accidents in connection with the handling of goods containing dangerous substances.

We offer safety consultancy on the transport of dangerous goods for road and sea.

Approved by MSB (Swedish Agency for Social Protection and Contingency).

Dangerous Goods Declaration

For each transport of dangerous goods, the consignor must issue a Dangerous Goods Declaration in Swedish for land transport and usually in English – for international transport. Both the sender and the carrier must keep a copy of this document for three months. Freight declaration usually contains the following information:

  • UN number
  • Official shipping name (proper shipping name) on the product
  • Class and secondary risk
  • Number and description of packages
  • The total amount of different kinds of goods
  • Sender’s name and address
  • The recipient’s name and address

We help you to get the right information and fill in the goods declaration so that the transport is fast and smooth.

Warning Labels and Warning Signs

We classify products in accordance with the CLP regulation and use it as a basis for the transport classification. Based on this, we announce which warning labels and signs should be produced and where to attach them. We ensure that goods containing dangerous substances are transport ready in accordance with applicable regulations in terms of both labelling and documentation.

Safety Data Sheet

We perform a research and classify the product in accordance with the requirements set out in the CLP Regulation and ECHA’s database. The Safety Data Sheet gives you a complete overview of the product’s characteristics and transport requirements adapted to them. Section 14 of the safety data sheet shows how the product should be labeled during transport.

Legal Monitoring

We make sure that your products are classified and transported in accordance with the latest requirements in relevant regulations. We do this through constant and professional monitoring of the subject areas within different fields and levels. Our task is to be at the forefront of future changes and to have strategic advice that will make your business more efficient and let you be one step ahead your competitors.

Training ADR

As an approved Safety Advisor, we offer tailor-made ADR training adapted to your business needs. The training can be offered to a management team, warehouse personnel, drivers or others involved in the transport routine. It addresses the risks that may arise in connection with transport and gives you knowledge of the rules that apply to accident prevention.

AAA (triple-A)

The company credit rated as AAA (triple-A) by Bisnode AB and seal Diamond at Upplysningscentralen (UC)

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