Consulting services
for handling of chemicals and dangerous goods

We offer strategic advising on handling of chemicals, hazardous goods, and building products, consulting in connection with daily routines.
Training in Handling of Chemicals
Amasis Konsult AB offer environmental training for staff engaged with chemicals (specific training in handling hazardous substances and preparations, risk analysis, measures and protection of chemicals in the working environment, and interpretation of protective information such as safety data sheets and labels).
Safety Data Sheets
We conduct new safety data sheets as well as revise, adjust and update already existing safety data sheets. We work with Swedish safety data sheets, as well as with safety data sheets for other countries.
ADR Education
We offer ADR training tailored to the customer’s premises.
Product Register Activity Report
Companies that import more than 100 kg of a chemical product per year, are obliged to report it to the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s product register. We help our customers to report their chemical products. In order to be able to register for the product register, full recipe is required. We establish confidentiality agreements with the manufacturer and report the full composition of the product.
Chemical Research, Risk Assessments, and Safety Sheets
We revise the company’s handling of chemicals in production and prepare a report for risk assessment procedure. We produce safety sheets for staff at the workplace and simplified labelling that is comprehensible for everyone.
Notification to ECHA PCN portal
On January 1, 2021, the new rules for reporting poison information came into force. Then toxic information for all chemical consumer and professional products classified as health hazards or physical hazards must be reported in ECHA’s new toxic information database, the so-called PCN portal. Amasis Konsult AB notifies the products and produces a UFI code that must be applied to the packaging.
Safety Advice on Dangerous Goods
In accordance with the EU directive and the law entered into force January 1, 2000, all companies, transporting and handling dangerous goods, must have a Safety Advisor attached to the business activity. We offer safety advising on transport of dangerous goods on road and by sea. Amasis Konsult AB has a Safety Advisor certified by MSB. We hold courses for consignors and others involved in the handling of dangerous goods and also serve as a Safety Advisor.
Registration and Permit Matters
We help you to prepare a complete application or permit application for environmentally hazardous activities according to the Environmental Code. Amasis Konsult AB prepares cases within the test operation levels B and C.
Preparation of Building Product Declaration in BASTA
We prepare Building Product Declarations in Swedish and English according to the Association for Building Product Declarations. In collaboration with manufacturers and retailers of construction products, the environmental impact of the product is mapped from “the cradle to the grave”, e.g. from the production stage of the product, distribution, construction phase and waste management. Further, we assist in the mapping of building products according to the BASTA system property criteria and Sunda Hus.
AAA (triple-A)
The company credit rated as AAA (triple-A) by Bisnode AB and seal Diamond at Upplysningscentralen (UC)