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New requirements for the compilation of safety data sheets
Photo by ron dyar on Unsplash

The requirements for the compilation of safety data sheets are now set out in Annex II to the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). The appendix has been revised and new requirements and clarifications are introduced as a result of the rule change. These amendments are also mentioned in an amending regulation that entered into force on 1 January 2021.

However, the new rules allow for a transition period that lasts until 1 January 2023. Until then, it is voluntary to update the safety data sheets in accordance with the new format. The exemption refers to safety data sheets that have already been issued, those that have been updated in accordance with Article 31.9 and safety data sheets that have been updated with a UFI code.

On 1 January 2023, however, all safety data sheets must be issued in accordance with the new format.

Examples of changed requirements for information in safety data sheets

Information on nanoforms of the substance must be entered in several sections of the safety data sheet. It must also be stated how the nanoforms of the substance are handled in a safe manner.

Section 1. The supplier of the safety data sheet must be mentioned disregarding being the producer, importer, only representative, downstream user or distributor.

Section 3 shall contain information on specific concentration limits, multiplication factors and estimated toxicities determined in accordance with the CLP Regulation, if such information is available.

Section 9 introduces new requirements for physical and chemical properties that follow the changes in the globally harmonized system for classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS).

The CLP Regulation sets new requirements for UFI code for mixtures. Annex II to REACH states where the UFI code is to be inserted in the safety data sheets.

Sections 11 and 12 shall contain information on endocrine disrupting properties.

How can we help?

We at Amasis Konsult AB have already started designing safety data sheets for our customers in accordance with the new requirements.

This gives our customers an opportunity to easily adapt to the new rules and obtain necessary information about their products in advance. We carry out our advisory function in communication with their suppliers regarding different types of important information for safety data sheets.

It helps our customers to be at the forefront of the various changes and deliver high quality services. As our customer, you get more time for your real business and we take care of the details.

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